Sunday, August 30, 2009

helens song

my name is helen schantz
i come from france
i eat pancakes and
i am a little loopy
composed and written by rihanna, poop,fran, and eli

*put this through the translater on english to french.

Friday, August 14, 2009


I love Muno from Yo Gabba Gabba!

I am MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am mad because I made a robot in a camp and I recorded a video of it and posted in on a website. (That, I made for my camp.) Now, when I tried to post it on my blog it was way too big to fit! so instead I will add the website to my blog list. Even though, it isn't a blog. (or as like to call it B-L-O-G!) Another thing I can do is make refferences to my blog.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


sorry i just got back from camping and I've been gone for awhile. i fell of a tree and scratched my back . now i have to take a shower!